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About Liposuction Complications

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Discovering Liposuction Complications:

Author: Letty's Staff Writer

When you discuss any surgical procedure it becomes necessary to review not only the benefits but the complications as well.

So that's what we'll do in this article.

I intend line-out in a detailed way some of the more common complications and some side-effects of liposuction surgery that aren't too common as well.

So, without further ado, start reading below to find out about the complications of liposuction.

List some of the more common liposuction complications.

These are complications that occur more frequently, and are generally less serious than the rarer side-effects. However active steps should be taken the prevent small events from escalating to something dangerous.

  1. Infections – can become serious issues. Open wounds can become contaminated – both during, and after the operation. Great care must be taken to follow after-care instructions properly and to keep your surgical wounds clean.
  2. Seromas or hematomas – can be seen under the skin as bruising. These are actually "pooling" of serum or blood in areas where tissue has been disturbed or removed. After surgery this can be visualized as large areas of bruising and, or discoloration underneath the skin. However, these "bruises" are usually temporary and generally disappear with recovery and healing.
  3. Swelling – in some cases, may persist for weeks or months after liposuction.

List some of the least common liposuction complications.

Okay. These liposuction complications that can be very serious. Your surgeon will be working with you very proactively to make sure that you are following instructions closely after your surgery. He or she will also give you warning signs to look for.

  1. Embolisms – may occur when loosened fat enters the bloodstream through blood vessels ruptured during liposuction. Pieces of fat can travel through the vascular system to the lungs, or even the brain potentially causing permanent disability or, in some cases, even death.
  2. Skin necrosis – occurs when the skin above the liposuction site changes color and falls off. Large areas of skin necrosis may become infected with bacteria or microorganisms further complicating recovery.
  3. Puncture wounds in the organs – (visceral perforations) may require surgery for repair. These may occur either because the surgeon is being too aggressive in breaking up and suctioning the fat and pierces the underlying tissues, or because these tissues are so fragile that they therefore are unable to protect the underlying organs from the brisk back and forth motions necessary during a liposuction surgery.
  4. Paresthesias – are changes in sensation that may be caused by nerve compression at the site of the liposuction surgery. This may either be in the form of an increased sensitivity and pain, or numbness in the area. In some cases, these changes in sensation may be permanent.

If there is any doubt about symptoms you are experiencing – you should call your care provider immediately

How common is death from liposuction surgery?

Death from liposuction is relatively rare.

However accidental death does sometimes occur. And it is always tragic when someone loses their life because they were attempting to enhance it. Generally when it occurs – there were mistakes made that could have been prevented.

    Factors Increasing Risk of Liposuction Death:

  1. Undiagnosed, or undisclosed pre-existing conditions. Pre-existing conditions can put the patient at serious risk during and after surgery. Preventative steps should include pre-operative blood work and other diagnostic tests to measure your fitness for surgery.
  2. Prolonged time of surgery. Liposuction deaths have also been known to happen when multiple plastic surgery procedures are performed at once – prolonging the duration of your surgery.
  3. Extensive surgeries. More aggressive, over-ambitious surgeries which remove substantial fluid and tissue increase the risks – from both the anesthetizing agent and from shock.
  4. Medication interactions. A last factor that increases your risk of complications is interaction with medication. If you are taking medicine or supplements that do not mix with surgery - your physician should be informed and willing to reschedule surgery.

What can I do to enhance my chances of a successful surgery?

One of the most important things that you can do prevent liposuction complications is to pick an experienced, conscientious surgeon – one who really knows her stuff. You greatly enhance the chance that you will have a successful experience by insuring that your doctor is well-prepared and knows how to handle unexpected events.

Another thing that you can do to make sure your surgery is successful is be honest.

If there are things you are doing that aren't good for you, but you are embarrassed about – you should reveal them to your doctor anyway. Whether you have an eating disorder, or are taking powerful street drugs, or are addicted to prescription pills – you should still be honest with your doctor.

After all, it could be the choice between life or death that you are making.

What is the take-home here?

Take your time.

Try not to feel so urgent about liposuction or any other plastic surgery procedure. This will give you the emotional space to be objective and make sure that all the safeguards are in place. Also take time to interview and carefully select your surgeon.

The time you invest upfront – will not only enhance your liposuction experience, but just may save your life.

You HAVE to Watch This:

24-year old dies after liposuction in her basement:

About Liposuction Complications References:

  • Cowley, Geoffrey, and Karen Springen. "lowdown on Liposuction" Newsweek 133.21 (May 24, 1999): 60(1). Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale.

  • Venkataram, Mysore. "Tumescent liposuction: Standard guidelines of care." Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology 74.7 (Jan 2008): 54. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 23 Jan. 2010.

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