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Candidate for Liposuction

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Are a candidate for liposuction?

Author: Letty's Staff Writer

This article gets down to the nitty-gritty about whether or not you are right for the tumescent liposuction procedure.

We talk about the ideal body type for this particular surgery.

We give you pointers to improve your health before you ever show up at the doctor's office.

You will be better prepared for tumescent liposuction surgery after reading this article...


Who is the ideal?

This is really a great topic.

The traditional patient for liposuction surgery is one who has small pockets of localized fat, but are otherwise within their ideal body weight. This is important to understand. Liposuction is generally not for obese patients, it is designed to fine-tune the otherwise toned physique.

However, there is a proper use of tumescent liposuction for patients who are overweight...

Let's talk about proportion.

First of all, liposuction is an excellent tool to achieve proportionality.

Proportionality is actually more important to perceived attractiveness than the actual weight of the patient. For women the ideal contour is one in which the hips are noticeably wider than the waist. For men the hips should be narrower than the shoulders.

So, for some women and men liposuction would help them to become more proportional, and therefore more attractive in clothes, etc. Liposuction is appropriate for those overweight individuals who want to improve their overall body contour – BUT who recognize that liposuction will not help them lose any significant amount of weight.

The caveat here is that patients must be in good health to tolerate the surgery, and recovery process – whether they're thin or over-weight.

Become a better candidate for liposuction:

Clearly, if you can lose weight prior to the surgery, it is recommended that you do so. Getting as close to your goal weight as possible, will help the surgeon determine if it is liposuction you need, or possibly some type of skin-reduction surgery (or combination of both).

Improving your health to be able to tolerate the surgery and recovery process - will make you a better candidate for surgery as well.

Also, improving your attitude and self-esteem helps to make you realistic about what any plastic surgery can do for you. You should always love yourself intrinsically before you start any plastic surgery process.

NOTHING replaces self-respect and acceptance.

What are some alternatives to surgery?

If for some reason you are not a good candidate for liposuction surgery, there are some alternatives that you can try.

A. Diet and Exercise

I have to mention diet and exercise here.

Diet and exercise are how we take care of ourselves moving forward. Without a supportive lifestyle, that can help you maintain your weight and keep negative stress under control, you are just asking to have a problem with fat deposits all over again.

B. Supplements

Other alternatives include dietary supplements (which is a whole article just in itself...)

Without going into a whole lot of detail, there are some dietary supplements that will help you burn fat more efficiently. One of those that quickly comes to mind is "L-carnitine". The best advice here is to do some research online. You will get lots of information. I suggest you utilize your local library's online database to search for academic papers on the topic.

The information you get there will be more reliable.

C. Non-surgical Devices

Nowadays, they have "liposuction" devices that don't involve cutting the skin at all.

I put "liposuction" in quotes because the mechanism of these newer devices doesn't involve any kind of suction at all.

Zerona™ laser is one such device where lasers actually penetrate the skin and disrupt fat cells – no surgery is involved. The broken fat cells are absorbed into the body over a few weeks. Several treatments are required to see maximal results.

The jury is also out on the permanence of the results from devices like this one.

The bottom-line:

Being a good candidate for liposuction surgery has as much to do with your physical state of being as it does with your mental state.

Overweight patients can be good candidates for liposuction when they understand and accept liposuction's limitations. Liposuction will not help you lose significant weight, but may help you achieve a more attractive body contour.

However don't be too over-anxious to have plastic surgery.

That anxiety may cause you to be less careful in selecting your provider and/or surgical facility. WRONG ANSWER!... You should only pick a well-qualified and experienced surgeon. Cutting corners on the vetting process can get you into real trouble.

Good luck and - please - take care.

This is a REEEE-A-A-A-LLY relevant video:

Meet Dr. Klein the inventor of tumescent lipo...

Candidate for Liposuction References:

  • Venkataram Jayashree. "Tumescent liposuction: A Review. (CME)(Clinical report)." Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. 1.2 (July-Dec 2008): 49. Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale.

  • Murray, Louann W. "Liposuction." The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. 3rd ed. Vol. 3. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 2228-2231. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web 29 Mar. 2010.

  • "Tumescent liposuction: Standard guidelines of care. (Recommendations)." Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. 74.7 (Jan 2008): 54. Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale July 2009.

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